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T8Z: Damian Grey WIP



-Name: Damian Grey
-Nickname: N/A
-Gender: Male
-Age: 22
-Birthday: August 26th
-Orientation: Heterosexual
-Height: 6'1
-Weight: 165 lbs

-Father: Nick Grey || Turned
-Mother: Felicia Grey || Died naturally

-'Adopted' Family:
-Mother: Serene Austin || Alive Npc
-Father: Philip Austin || Dead Npc
-Sister: 'Jackie' Austin || Alive rp'ed by =Raqemo
-Sister: Haila Austin || Alive rp'ed by *KitsaniCat
-Brother: 'Robbie' Austin || Alive rp'ed by =Zenithical
-Pets: Edgar the dog || Missing

-Place of Residence:
The Hotel | Main Building | North facing room -At the request of Serene-

Noticeable Features:
Damian received this scar when he was only four, in the same car crash that killed his mother. It never fully healed or faded due to its location, but at his current age he doesn't really care about it and doesn't mind if others stare at or ask.
This developed around the same time as his scar, due to his mother's death and new 'look', he grew very self conscious over his words and messed them up constantly. As he never tried to grow out of his stutter but instead just fell quiet to hide it, it plagues him even as an adult. It is especially bad when he's scared, panicked or angry to the point he can't even talk without calming himself down first.

Skill Level: 2
Utility Sheet:…

-Starter Weapons:
-Bow + Quiver
Damian was given this beginners bow by his father when he was 10 so that he could start learning to use a bow and join him on hunting trips. Though he never got to upgrade to a bow as good as his father's, he's held onto this one ever since the infection broke out. As it's quiet and reliable, the bow is his preferred weapon of choice in most cases. He usually wears the quiver over his shoulder, which holds 10 light carbon-fibre-reinforced arrows with metal tips.

-Playing Cards (On hand)
Never one to dwell on his thoughts for too long if he can help it, he'll open his trouser pocket for his favourite pack of cards, held together by a stretched out rubber band. All 52 cards, well used and bent, help him to forget about his current troubles and make him feel closer to his father, as playing card games was one of the rare times they really bonded. From solitaire to poker, if you dare to challenge him, this striped tom knows how to put up a good game.

-Flash-light (On hand)
A basic necessity, he grabbed this from his Dad's hunting kit and kept it on hand for all emergencies. He's not protective over it though, so would happily lend it to a friend or feline who took discomfort from the darkness.

-Odd supplies (On hand)
In his various pockets and bags, Damian carries around odd items like rags, tape and anything he deems slightly interesting just in case he finds a use for them. From potential spare bandages to lock picks, even things that could be a tourniquet, he can find uses for them if he thinks hard enough or is given the right situation.

-Dog collar
The only remains he could find of his beloved dog, Edgar, was his large thick red collar with a brass 'E' hooked onto the front. He adored the large hound, and sorely misses him, even after 9 years when the German shepherd first bolted at the scent of danger. It's currently safely tucked into his dad's hunting bag, safe from harm.

-Dad's old hunting equipment [Duffel-bag, bow, quiver, hunting rifle, hunting knife]
When the brown tom was forced to leave his home and father, the last thing he grabbed was his father's duffel bag. Inside it was all he'd ever need to hunt, including a knife, arrows, and even a hunting rifle. However, as Damian was 13 at the time, the only thing he ever removed from the bag was his bow and arrows, leaving the rest to lie untouched. He never let anyone else use the contents of the bag as it all felt precious to him, and until he trusts himself enough to use the rifle himself, it'll remain stashed under his bed with the other equipment.

-Practical Talents:
-Animal handling
As Damian was given a dog at the age of 5, he always loved and preferred being in the company of animals to being in a social crowd of felines. He spent so much time tailed by his pet, a lot more time searching out other animals, that he became very aware of how to handle dogs and animals in general, acutely sensing when a creature was afraid or aggressive from their body language. Even though he sometimes accompanied his father on hunting trips, he never managed to kill a single animal himself, but learnt much from his father's kills on how to sooth and put down creatures painlessly. Once he reached the island, he spent a great deal of time helping with the livestock or keeping an eye on the inhabitants of the forest to ensure there was a sustaining population.

When he first started joining his Dad on hunting trips, around the age of 8, his father made sure to teach him how to read a map and use a compass in the off chance he ever got lost. It's a skill he's retained as even now he can read rather complex maps and understand most of the information pictured on them. When he does go on a supply run, if he spots a map or atlas, he'll try to take it back to base, just to add to the store of information in the HQ library or learn more about the local area. From maps to being out in the field, the striped tom also has a good memory of where he's been, so if made to explore the same area a couple times, then Damian has a knack of knowing how to backtrack without getting lost again.

-Resourceful crafter
In a time when resources are low and the odds are stacked against you, the sepia toned tom quickly found that being creative with your supplies was very useful if you could work out how best to use them. That's why the tom always has some random materials on hand, from cloth, to tape, to even a little alcohol if he finds some spare, so that he can make improvised bandages, lock picks or whatever else may be needed in a dangerous scenario.

- Main Tasks:
Damian mainly focuses on looking after the livestock and helping with the larger animals like cows, horses, pigs and sheep in the West Farm due to his size. He also takes time to make sure the wild life in the forests are living healthily, checking the local snares for rabbits or culling the odd stag for extra food if it's sustainable.

-Supply run
The larger tom sometimes volunteers for supply runs as he's good with directions and talented with a bow which allows him to make silent kills. While on these runs, he's always on the look out for maps or other signs of life like abandoned pets in hopes of saving a few more lives. Other than that he'll usually stick close to the group and follow orders without trouble.

-Guard duty
The brown feline only really does guard duty once or twice a week to give a break to the others on guard duty. He doesn't mind the job, but will usually pull out his pack of cards to play solitaire and pass the time. He's also hesitant about using his bow because he doesn't want to lose his arrows over the wall.

- Personality:
[Intelligent] [independent] [Empathic] [Affectionate] [Protective] [Trusting] [Impulsive] [Quiet]

The first thing you'll notice about Damian is that he's not the loudest or most boisterous of toms. In fact, unless he's completely comfortable in your presence, he'll only speak when he feels it's necessary or polite. While some might think this is because he's uncaring or indifferent, it's mainly due to the striped tom's embarrassment over his persistent stutter and self trained habit as a child to remain overly stoic so as not to cause problems. Though he's a little more open about his feelings, he still prefers to listen over talking and work silently instead of idle chatter.

The tall tom isn't the strongest or fastest, but he's not stupid in the slightest. Behind his quiet demeanour, Damian will always be thinking, over survival or feelings or what to do later. He studied well in school to make his father proud, and even after the world descended into chaos, he always tried to keep learning and pay close attention. Sometimes he'll be seen in the library reading over maps or non-fiction books to expand his learning, or maybe tinkering with his surplus supplies to find a new use for them in his room.

Since his mother's tragic death, Damian became much more aware of other's feelings and is quite receptive to them if in another's close company. That isn't to say the traumatic experience suddenly unlocked this ability, but rather as he felt such painful feelings of grief and sadness, he looked for comfort in others only to see that they had troubles and feelings similar to himself. As he began to sympathise with why others felt sad or troubled, he started empathising about their situations and he couldn't help but start picking up others feelings without meaning too either. Though he's older and tried to act more stoic, he still doesn't entirely understand why his mood is so easily affected by those around him, and if those in his company start getting highly emotional, the scarred tom will usually try to leave or distance himself to not get caught up in it.

Though the sepia toned tom tries to remain stoic to more negative feelings, if presented the opportunities, he'll use every one to display his affection for those he loves. He adores having company and being around those he knows well, so while he may not say it, from his softly swaying tail to his innocent purr, he would find it hard to hide his happiness. Especially if those around him are happy, as his empathy only amplifies his bliss with theirs.

While Damian loves company, that isn't to say he doesn't do well on his own. The striped tom is pretty capable on his own, and often spends his spare time alone if he can't find anyone, not wanting to bother others with his company or force small talk. In fact if he needs to, he'll choose to be on his own to cool down or escape a highly emotional moment to stop it affecting him. Even if separated on a supply run, he'll try to remain calm, stay highly on guard and think of a basic plan to follow until he finds his patrol again, knowing it would be stupid of him to freak out.

Unlike many in such dangerous times, the tanned tom chooses to say optimistic when he meets new felines, always hoping they'll be as trustworthy as their first impressions. Even if a cat has wronged him in the past, if it wasn't a fatally wrong decision, he can still trust them to pull through when needed. He's mostly like this because of his experience with his adoptive family and how even though they weren't blood, they came to trust and care for him as if they were.

One of the few times this tom would let his anger clearly show and decide for him would be if it involved those closest to his heart. After losing all his original family and being basically adopted by the Austins, Damian has sworn that he'll do anything to prevent himself losing anyone else. So no matter what, even if they hated him or thought it selfish of him, the striped cat would stop at nothing to protect his family and close friends. From killing whatever threatened their safety to throwing himself into danger first, he'd think it worth it for the sake of another.

This closely relates to previous trait, as the scarred tom is usually quite logical in his approach and thinking, if something he loves is involved, then he'll do whatever he thinks it takes at the time to protect them without a second thought. From causing a dangerous distraction to killing someone who could've just been disarmed, while Damian might heavily regret his actions later, at some moments he just doesn't have the control most believe him to have.

-All animals [Dogs are his favourite]
-Anything sweet [Loves candy]
-Entertaining, optimistic and calm cats
-Strong she-cats who also know how to be gentle
-Learning in general
-Feeling helpful
-Praise of any kind

-Cars [He can ride in them, but will feel very uncomfortable and never happily drive one himself]
-Alcohol [He dislikes its taste and what it does to people]
-His stutter
-Losing anyone
-Cats who are either too pessimistic or loud
-Highly emotional situations
-Getting things wrong

- History:
Warning: This history is ridiculously long and detailed

D-do I have to? I'd rather not, b-but if you need to know, I'll t-try my best not to stu-stu- stammer.

Before the... infection, my life was pretty normal. Well, normal for me at least, others c-could disagree. For example, my mother d-died in a c-c-ar.. crash when I was four. That's how I got this scar, b-because I was in the back seat and got c-caught by some glass. My dad told me it was some drunk driver who hit us, so I sorta try to avoid cars and alcohol if I can help it...but to be honest, I can't remember much about my mother, I was only just old enough to realise that she was never coming b-back... All I recall is that she was very loving, had a bubbly laugh and crystal clear grey eyes...

Anyway, that left me in my Dad's paws, which, thinking back, was p-probably the last thing he wanted to happen. I'm sure my father was very loving to my Ma' but, I don't think he planned on having me. He worked long hours, I mean before the ac-cident I never even saw him between waking up or being put to bed, 'cept the weekends when he'd be resting. Nothing really changed though, he just paid a b-babysitter to basically fill in as my mother for the week days. Abi was fine enough, lovely actually.. but I could feel that she always looked at me with pity, and for a while, we didn't talk much.

Well, really I wasn't t-talking much at all after that. I wouldn't go far to say I was mute, but I quickly found it was easier to be quiet then tell others how I felt. They c-couldn't do much to help when I told them I missed mom, or that I was lonely or scared, so I just stopped trying tell them. It didn't help that Dad was just as quiet as I was. In fact, I could tell easily when he felt upset or was missing Mom, but when I t-tried to talk to him about it, he just stopped and told me that he was fine, or to stop stuttering and crying about it. Back then my stutter was terrible, it made t-talking frustrating and I ended up choking over words, so I did what my father said, and stopped. Though by stopping, I just stopped talking as much as possible, meaning I never really managed to fix my stuttering.. well you can tell.

After a while I just started avoiding my Dad or anyone, because he either felt sad for himself or they felt sad for me, and the feelings were just too much for me. I just started reading, doing whatever in my room to avoid it. I think my Dad noticed how d-distant I was, but wasn't sure how to connect with me, so life sorta continued like that until I had to start elementary school. I was just as quiet there as I was at home, not making friends, not really taking part in class, and my teacher finally addressed my Father about it, which made him make one of the best decisions of my life actually.

As a present, he brought me Edgar, a one year old German Shepherd. He told me that I was to look after the dog, to play and walk him in the garden, to help the babysitter feed and groom him, and that he was my responsibility. And that.. if I didn't want to talk to anyone, that I could always talk to Edgar because he would listen... Don't look at me like that! I was still young, and really, I took those words to heart. The golden dog quickly found his place in my life, as my most t-trusted and best friend. And he was a great dog, when I told him I was sad, he'd lick my face playfully and when I was lonely at night, he'd climb onto the b-bed and let me hug his neck. As I started to talk to Edgar, even if he didn't reply, I slowly began to talk more at school and t-tried to take part so that I could talk to Edgar about it at the end of the day. He followed me everywhere and he even started greeting me outside school once Dad decided I didn't need a b-babysitter any more. I owe that dog so much, if it wasn't for him, I'd never met my closest friends or 'family'.

What I mean by that is, around when I was 8, this family moved in across the street, and well I wasn't going to p-pay it any attention until I realised they had this little girl called Jack who was only two years younger than me. Although we didn't go to the same school, and I wasn't confident enough to go say 'hi' by myself, Edgar kept sorta d-dragging me over to her on the way home because he's such a friendly dog and.. well we ended up chatting. At first it was p-pretty awkward talking to someone so much, especially with my stutter, but she didn't seem to mind and was actually quite fun to talk to and slowly we became, friends I guess. I mean she was one of the first cats who didn't look at me with pity, just curiosity and friendship which was a nice change... We sat on her p-porch talking a lot, and after a while her Mother seemed to notice me and invited me to c-come around whenever. I wasn't really expecting it, but I sure was grateful to have somewhere to be while my Dad was at work.

Slowly going to the Austin family's home was just routine and no one seemed to mind. Jack and I were close, she and her little sister Haila began to teach me hand signing so that I could communicate with her, as she was fully deaf, and even their Dad Philip seemed to enjoy having me around the house unlike my own Father. That isn't to say me and Father didn't get closer. Once I proved I could handle myself and was becoming a little more, independent I guess, I think Dad wanted to get to know me better, so he decided to take me hunting of all things. He said he did it when he was younger, and that we c-could do it every week end to have fun. I... never told him that I hated hunting or loved animals, and that I even wanted to become a vet at some point because of Edgar, because to be honest, I wanted to have fun with my own Dad. I was slightly jealous of Jack and Philip's relationship, however much they treated me as part of their family as well. So for my 10th birthday, Dad brought me a hunting bow and took me hunting every weekend. Even if it started off awkwardly, and I mean awkward in every sense, he taught me a lot and aside from the shooting of innocent creatures, I did enjoy my time with him.

Life was going so well, by my 13th birthday, I couldn't be happier. My Dad took me out to go camping for a bit, even Edgar came along and I was just, happy... and, looking back now I think that was the last time I genuinely was.

First Encounter:
Y'see, on the way home, in the early hours of the morning, we spotted this woman getting attacked by, what we assumed to be , some crazy feline. My Dad had his hunting rifle on him, so he hopped out of the c-car and told the, the nutter to back off at gun point. I remember Edgar just whining in the back seat, and well he must of sensed how wrong the situation was but we didn't pay him any attention. The attacker just turned his attention to my Father, and charged at him, clawing and biting. And... Dad wasn't a fighter, so he just got k-knocked over and well, I didn't know what to do, so I g-grabbed the rifle and just fired like I watch my father do so many times. I sh-shot the attacker straight in the face and it was enough to make me sick for days. The she-cat thanked us timidly and ran off, most likely more scared by the brutal murder than the attacker and I just stood there c-completely stunned. 'I had killed someone. I was going to jail. I was going to die'. Sounds silly now, but that was what ran through my brain at the time. I guess I was so surprised at what I had d-done, I couldn't really remember my Dad herding me back to the car comfortingly, or driving home all injured until we literally just pulled up in the drive way.

I helped Dad into the house, Edgar tailing pitifully as he continued to whine and shake. I should of paid more attention, but my Father was so hurt and seemed to be getting sick so I just ignored the poor dog. I helped my Father clean up, disinfect the injuries and such, but he seemed so ill, I just told him to go to bed... and I don't know whether my Dad knew his time was up or if it was just coincidence, because before he shut himself in his room, he told me to keep rifle nearby just in case, and that he was 'proud' of how I acted today. Proud that I shot a tom for him. I was really confused, and still a little scared, and I could feel he was too but I tried to 'toughen up' like he always t-told me to and did what he said.

After that I collected the hunting gear, and slept on the c-couch, with Edgar nervously guarding my side, still a little torn up over what happened. I couldn't understand how we had just killed someone that day, driven off without a care, leaving his body there, why weren't the police coming to find us?I lay there in silent panic, trying to make sense of what had happened. But I must have gotten some sleep though, because I woke up in the early hours of the morning from a crash upstairs and my dog pulling me towards the door as if we were in a burning building. I couldn't do anything with Edgar like that, so I tried to pull him off me, but he only proceeded to pull himself out of his collar and whine frantically. I c-couldn't understand what was wrong, but he just kept b-barking at the door and nudging me towards it, so I opened the door for him and after a hesitant whine, he just bolted. All I saw was his golden body dashing up the street and he was gone. I shouted at him to c-come back but I couldn't leave Dad to go chasing after the crazed dog. It broke my heart that he just ran like that, but after another thud, I realised that Dad must've been in trouble to be making so much sound.

So I ran up stairs, still clutching Edgar's c-collar, only to be met with the b-blue gaze of a.. thing I will n-never associate with my father... 'It' saw me in the corridor and growled like something from my nightmares, so I just ran like Edgar did, dashed downstairs, slung the hunting bag over my shoulder and kept running until I was b-banging at Jack's house. I had no idea where else to go, and just maybe Serene would know what to do. But when she and Philip answered the d-door and listened to me explain, rather badly and stuttering every other word, that D-Dad was 'sick', Serene just pushed me into the house and told me to lock the door. I did what she said, and stood in the door way, clutching the bag and collar like a lifeline, with no idea of what was happening. I was still in sh-shock I guess. It was only after I heard a sh-sharp gun shot from across the street that I c-came to terms with everything I had just lost in a few mere hours.

On the Road:
After that, Serene and Philip just took me in as their own family, unable to leave me b-behind after what happened. I don't remember a lot of the following weeks, it was mostly just driving and trying to avoid the chaos that was erupting all around us. I was still t-trying to get over losing what was left of my old family, and while I tried to act brave and concern myself with Jack, Haila and Rob, I mean I could feel that they were just as scared as I was, it was just hard. My stutter was worst than ever and talking was way too much effort. It was like Mom's death all over again.
But I didn't distance myself this time. I did everything that family needed of me, and was determined not to lose anyone more. I didn't t-touch the rifle again but I kept the bow and arrows close in case of trouble, made sure to keep an extra eye on Jack, Haila and Rob, and just t-tried to be of help. That isn't to say I didn't mess up, or wasn't affected by all that happened or have nightmares over my D-Dad being.. infected. I did a lot, but I tried to make it my resolve to keep making my Dad proud...

So it only felt like salt b-being rubbed hard into the wounds when Philip.. Philip.. got infected. We had reached Serene's sister's place, only for it to be ransacked and desolate. Philip still got out, and I guess when he got attacked in the house, that was when it h-happened. He acted like nothing happened after Serene shot the infected monster off him, b-but when he said his goodbyes and we had to d-drive off the next day, his intentions and reasons were obvious. It made me want to lay down and give up, that everyone would d-die and I could do nothing about it, but I guess Serene's attempt at optimism despite just losing her soul mate inspired me a little to care for the others over myself. At the very least, I c-could feel how scared and upset they all were, just like I had been and still was.. so I put them first. If maybe I c-could make them feel just the little bit better, it made me feel better at least.

We kept driving though, until the SUV screeched out of c-control and crashed. It was the scariest thing ever crashing at the side of the road like that, especially with Serene knocked out from the impact. For a second I wonder if fate had decided to be particularly cruel and killed my 'adoptive' mother in a car crash as well, but it was soon clear she was only unconscious. I tried to make sure the others weren't hurt, but they were focused on shaking their mother awake, so we sat there by the c-crashed vehicle as Jack and Haila tried to revive their mother, as I sat with the youngest with my bow firmly in grip to hide the shakes racking my body. Serene did awake pretty quickly, but not before we were surrounded by a fierce group of toms who had spotted the crash. They quickly forced us in the direction of the city, and all I can remember was how much I trembled as they held as all at gun p-point.

But it seemed Serene had other ideas, once we reached the c-city, she spun around and completely owned some thug before taking their gun and letting loose! It was pretty awesome to watch, but I guess I kind of forgot how d-dangerous it was, because a bit late I tried to dive out of the way only to be grabbed by one ugly t-tom who held way t-too tight. I tried to struggle but he almost shoved a gun in my face so I couldn't help but freeze. Especially when I saw his th-thug friends had grabbed Jackie and the others. Serene stopped at the sight of us, and b-before we could shout anything, some filthy low-life smashed her over the back of the head.

I t-tried to start fighting again, to get the vile tom away from Serene as he was now picking her up to drag with us, but the horrible excuse for a feline tightened his grip on me, almost to the point of choking me and threatened that if we didn't behave they'd shoot Serene there and then. So we c-complied and followed the thugs to some cra- some broken down concrete building. Before we could realise it, they shoved us into some dingy old room and shut the door while they c-carried Serene away.
I remember desperately beating on the door, but the cat on the other side merely shouted at us to keep quiet with the click of a gun for reinforcement. At that moment I had felt so d-defeated and lost, I just turned to look at my adopted siblings holding tightly to each other and pulled them in for a hug. I didn't know what else to do and for all we knew Serene could've been shot already. So we held c-close and waited, each trying our best to look strong for the sake of the other.

Eventually our silent pleas were heard as a familiar dusty she-cat was led to the room. Serene ran in to hug us tightly, before explaining what had to happen from now on. She had agreed to work for these sewer rats in exchange for our lives, and I didn't know whether to feel relieved or.. betrayed. Maybe just a touch angry that she had given in to the bad guys, after she had proved how awesome she was! But this wasn't some fairy tale story, and I knew how unfair the world was. In fact if I was offered the same job I would've taken it to p-protect them too.. So if I showed any distaste, it wasn't about her choice.

One year Later:
And for a very long year, Serene d-did just that. I stayed in the apartment with Jackie, Haila and Robbie, as the oldest I had to look after them of course, and we'd wait for Serene every night. She'd leave, we worried, then she'd return and things would be all r-right for a few hours. I can't say we didn't have our share of 'what ifs' and scares of 'what could have h-happened' and 'why she was taking so long'. We were all children living in some cramped apartment in the b-base of a thug gang. And my two sisters had quite the active imagination. I tried my best to act c-calm, and tell the others that everything would work out because Serene had never failed us in the past. But then I know I also let my mind dwell a little too much on what she was d-doing before she returned. She never told us. Not even now... Ahem, but yeah. We had a year of that.

During that time, Serene slowly grew close to this one old tom who started coming over, and sometimes I'd catch them discussing ideas of how to escape this gang. B-but nothing really happened until one night when they finally d-decided to tell us all about their plan. A plan which we carried out only hours later in the late hours of the night. Serene had the lead with Haila, me and Jackie followed and Garret stayed at the back with Robbie, and we tried to creep out while the guards switched shifts. We almost made it too until the old tom knocked over a metal pipe which could have been a burglar alarm for all we needed. I remember the sheer panic that spread through us as shouts and cries of anger could be heard, but we sprinted out the door and kept running.

I couldn't say I was the fittest or fastest, but I k-kept up with the others best I could as Serene twisted down an alley and towards, what Garret exclaimed with anger as, the 'infected district'. Five minutes later, I must admit it felt like I couldn't do anything except run and pant, but then as Serene started making as much noise as she possible c-could I thought she had gone mad. But as we continued sprinting, I caught the b-bright blue gaze of a couple of infected through a broken window and caught on, so I pushed over anything I could while we ran like trash cans to create more sound.

Serene directed us to some garage d-door, pushing Haila under before Jackie and I closely followed. That moment I felt so overwhelmed from running I felt I could just flop to the floor, but we could all hear the screeches of the infected and shouts of p-panic from the foolish gang members who had chosen to chase us. Robbie got pulled in and then the four of us waited for Serene and Garret to climb under. B-but they didn't, not before we heard the shout of our leader in pain. I was tempted to almost peak out to see what had happened, but swiftly Garret and Serene tried to roll under as if nothing happened.
Unfortunately, I do mean tried because Serene got grabbed by something that was preventing her from pulling her arm to safety. As she tried to wrestle with it, other infected started clawing their way under and I could just feel the sheer panic of the gang cats outside who were getting torn apart by the infected. It happened so fast, and yet I still remember every second that followed Serene shouting 'Drop it now!'. Garret let the garage door drop, and it sliced through every infected and.. S-Serene's arm. Garret quickly pulled her away from the door and carried her through the mechanic shop to some kitchen in the back. There was so much b-blood pouring from her arm, but I remember the old tom just growling at us to stay calm and help him.

So with Robbie placed to the side, we each tried to help as best we could. We got out bandages, found some alcohol and watched Garret in pure stricken fear as he took off his belt and tied it tightly around the top of her arm to stem the blood flow. I remember every moment of the operation, as he poured alcohol onto the the bleeding wound, making her cry out more before grabbing some dangerous looking tools from the garage. I t-tried to ask what he was doing with a blow torch but it only came out in inaudible stutters as he started heating up a knife in the flame. He told one of us to find an iron and fortunately we managed to find one upstairs, which he also began to heat up once the knife was glowing with heat. Then, with the blade he sharply c-cut down through anything left of Serene's arm and before it could really start streaming more crimson blood, he took the iron and pushed it straight into the stump. She shouted loudly in pain before seeming to faint, Jackie and Haila both holding c-closely to her as Garret took away the burning tools and started rummaging for antibiotics and stuff. I couldn't really handle it at the time, everyone felt so scared and worried for Serene and our future, I slipped into the front of the mechanic shop. There I could just see through the window the c-carnage caused by the clash of the infected and the gang. It looked like almost all of the gang, from the plain evil to just the s-scared for their lives had been ripped apart limb by limb. I recall looking upon the scene with no sense of justice, but just a deep knot of p-pity in my stomach...

The wall:
We gave Serene a week to recover, or more so she gave herself a week, as by the end of it she had stubbornly d-decided she had rested enough even though she was still uneasy while on her paws. But we spent the whole next day traversing the abandoned city, avoiding cars and swimming through flooded areas. Just as the sun was setting however, a shadow loomed far in the distance which only made us all smile with relief. By night, we had finally reached the wall, but it was not as hopeful as we had first thought. As Garret pointed out, it was pretty much abandoned, and as we passed the security point that was manned by no cat, it was as clear as day he was right. I remember the curses Serene almost cried out, but as Haila reached out to her and we all looked at her hopefully, wanting to hear what to do next, she seemed to regain herself. In fact Robbie spotted an island off the coast due to a few faint lights and that's where we went next.

The island was overrun with infected as well, but as we m-met up with other survivors on the island, we formulated a plan and cleaned up the place. We set up sustainable farms, started training together to become stronger and became a close community. Eight years later and we're proud to say we've managed to keep control of this island and even the mainland to the wall. We've all suffered losses, and met many new and different cats, but most importantly each of us are still living, breathing and ready for another day which is enough for me.

Roleplay Events:
To be continued.

(I'm so so so sorry at this length lmao)

Everyone should check out this new awesome group :iconthe-8th-zone:
It's awesome, thought out and looks like its going to be tons of fun<3

Also yes, bringing back Damian but with a new pelt and scar xD
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pavrzlove's avatar
whispers no clover his daddy was nimbus...//shot